
Fantasy: A Not-So-Catch-All Guide on How to Write It

Through the winter months, us at Olympia Author Hub went into a deep and restorative hibernation – planning our posts and reading our books. Finally, we’ve emerged on the other side, springing into a new-found desire to help the authors who need inspiration in their writings. The biggest thing in fiction writing now is a […]

Horror: A Not-So-Catch-All Guide on How to Write It

Fall has fallen (That one sounded better before we wrote it out), the air is cooler, nights are longer and everything’s just that little bit spookier. It’s a great time to sit down and read some horror literature, and if you know your way around language and storytelling, it can be a great time to write some, too. Let’s examine how you can craft yourself a good horror story, and hopefully avoid pitfalls. 

First Impressions Count: How to Write a Great First Chapter

It’s fairly critical that you make a great impression in your very first chapter, and we wanted to share some tips and tricks to help you on your way.

Seasonal Affective Disorder & Productivity

If you’re a writer, you might find yourself picking up your pen or typing on your laptop far less than you usually do. Ideas and inspiration might elude you, and writing a single page will feel like a Herculean task. We’ve been there. We wanted to share some tips today on how to get around this issue.

Tips for Budding Young Writers

For those young folks among you who are penning fiction, or poetry, or anything at all, this article is intended for you. We hope to illuminate some ways for you to hone your craft and get yourself out there as a budding author.

Inspiration & Where to Find It

Much like advice on how to write in a specific genre, you can only advise so much before you hear a chorus of voices say; “Hey, this isn’t working for me, what do I do now?”, and you realise that there’s no one size fits all for something as vast as inspiration. So, we’ve tried our darndest to come up with some general advice for how to get the gears turning if you’re well and truly stumped.