Joanna Scott | Opening my books left me stunned

My writing really began with a poem called die for a drink, it later became part of a collection I wrote about bullies which I started to have published. It never worked out, but I never gave up. I had long term poisoning which affected my mental health so I was unable to think clearly or read, that is why it meant so much to write this and have it win in a competition.


I used the writing to keep my brain functioning, which sounds strange I know, but it really saved my life. Writing made my thoughts strong before I knew it I could write a full book in no time at, all the reason for the gigantic collection. I write about anything and everything though, I have severe lack of understanding when I read, so I sometimes have to depend on others to fill in forms and such, it has been in no way easy to try to get published, I have been trying for many years. One man did ask if he could publish my work and because of my lack of understanding at the time I never knew what he was asking to find out later he was willing to back me with funding.


I was so disappointed of course but still that never put me off. When I noticed a pattern in my writing, I was writing in collections but was writing about everything from being a rosebud to wars. I applied to several publishers, sadly I was never turned down they all offered contracts but wanted really large amounts of money that I never had in my life so I had to turn them down, still I never gave up. I got in touch with Olympia and they made my dream come true, the day I never thought I would live to see happen and here it is! Sadly I never really learned from my publishing experience because someone else had to deal with the paperwork I am only good at face to face conversations.  I got to enjoy the book coming out which was plenty for me to take in.  Opening my books left me stunned and I think I still am today I have plenty of writing in me, I am currently trying to sort out the ones I have!

Always follow your dream now mater what




Get yourself a copy of Joanna’s book, here! 


27 Feb 2020